In Bloom...

4 min read

Deviation Actions

:rzero: Ola Mon Ami'z...

April haz arrived and with it I have been terribly illin' so sorry for the lull in activity here in Da' Garden. Az for what'z newz? Well I had begun last year after I waz through with un eaten fruit or veg that waz "plant able" I threw all non GMO seedz in my garden. My Anarchist thought for the day iz April iz known for "Earth day" and I am creating a "mystery" Garden in my yard thiz year. I thought it might be cool to try and see if I could grow random stuff without wasting  money on seeds but by putting seeds in the ground like generations did before us. They seemed to sustain themselves and it all came from trial and error. Who knowz what we can technically grow if we don't actually "try". It is as simple as putting seeds any where, window boxes for thoze with no yards to random planters. The cool part is unless I recognize what'z sprouting it will be a complete surprise until it fruits or blooms. So far I have quite a few new varieties of stuff sprouting and can't wait to see what comes up...My latest version of Anarchist Gardening in "actuality"...

I was really bummed not more women submitted work this month or dudes paying homage to women in honor of national women'z month it's going to be a yearly occurrence just so you guyz all know. I am also looking for artistz who like to talk Art not just make it and post thier work not ever interact, "interacting" iz way more "interesting" to me. I want to know more about your workz and I am going to ask so don't be surprised if I do. I grew up in an art filled environment so to not socially discuss work iz boring az fuk to me. "Anything" can hang on wallz what doez it "mean" to "you". What are you trying to express?  Any one photographing nature thiz month or chickz in nature scenery etc anything nature inspired iz more than welcome "thiz" month...

I find because I run an avant group and because I do skeleton work some may confuse skeleton work with occult inspirationz and I have been inundated by pieces such as these. Thiz iz not one of thoze groupz altho' I do believe nature is too a religion as much as the church going kind...Positive flo iz like ripple'z in the universal way we all connect I prefer happy skell'z and cool rockin inspired horor art myself. People tend to like in art what they recognize whether it'z paintingz of famous icon'z to replicating other's art style's that are popular. I am currently looking to reach further than that and am looking for some different minded original art work with your own interpretation of what it iz not some regurgitated info. Truthfully it'z doesn't explain shit, it's like seeing what others reactions to a statement rather than a piece iz...Like the piece is "nothing" in actuality. It'z a weird phenomenon I have witnessed a lot of here on deviant art. They relate to the statement not the piece and I love to see some pieces that are a beautiful representation of expressionism in artistic "form" .

May iz the month of my birthday so all party inspired work accepted az well, az I like to say let them eat "fake" it'z lezz fattening than "cake" anyway...Just know Nature inspired work, Eclectic Pin Up'z, Positive flo', and Socio political work iz more than welcome "ALWAYZ" it'z the heart of thiz Group'z Gallery.

                                                         :rzero: Rocket X "Spreading the art like love"...:heart:+:skullbones:
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